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Mental Health

Page history last edited by West Coast Insitute of Training Library 13 years, 2 months ago




Auseinet  Contains a list of archived documents stored in the National Libraries Australia Pandora site, (the previous Auseinet website is no longer operating).


Department of Health and Ageing Information on initiatives to build the capacity of the mental health care system to ensure that Australians with or at risk of mental illness, and their families and carers, have access to quality health and support services to meet their needs.


Minister for Mental Health and Ageing site contains information on The Hon Mark Butler MP, Minister for Mental Health and Ageing.


Multicultural Mental Health Australia is a national program funded by the Australian Government to improve awareness of mental health and suicide prevention in culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities. Stats and Facts,





Mental Health Association 


Mental Health Council of Australia is involved in a range of different activities designed to improve both knowledge of mental health in Australia and the services available to people in need. The MHCA has a proud record of producing quality and influential documents and reports. Many of these are available from our shop or can be downloaded free of charge here.


Mental Health Foundation A UK Charity for everyone's Mental Health


Mental Health Law Centre WA  The MHLC is a Statewide Community Legal Centre specialising in mental health law. This web site has been created by the Mental Health Law Centre as an educational and informational resource. Based in Perth, Western Australia.


Mental Health Review Board WA an independent quasi-judicial review body established under Part 6 of the Mental Health Act 1996 (the Act) which commenced operation in November 1997. Members of the Board are required to be either legal practitioners, psychiatrists or persons who are neither legal practitioners nor psychiatrists, who are known as community members, and are appointed by the Governor, on recommendation of the Minister: section 126. This site also has the Mental Health Act 1996 and other publications.


Mental Health Research Institute of Victoria Researchers work to investigate the nature, origins and causes of psychiatric diseases and apply the knowledge they gain to improve diagnosis, treatment and, ultimately, prevent mental illnesses such as Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia and depressive illness. See other great links.


Western Australian Association for Mental Health (WAAMH) supports the development of the community-based mental health sector, provide systemic advocacy and representation, and influence public opinion for the benefit of people with mental illness and their carers.


Council of Official Visitors is primarily there to ensure that: individuals are aware of their rights; these rights are being observed; and to investigate and seek to resolve complaints.  The Council is also responsible for inspecting authorised hospitals and licensed private psychiatric hostels to ensure that they are in a safe and suitable condition.





Beyond Blue The National Depression Initiative


Reach Out


Professional Counselling 





Anxiety Online is a comprehensive online mental health service offering information, assessment, online diagnosis and treatment programs ("eTherapy") for the anxiety disorders.


Anxiety Panic Hub "The focus of our website is Recovery. We have been teaching people how to recover from their panic attacks and anxiety, for over twenty years."


Anxiety Treatment Australia provides information about anxiety disorders, the treatment options, psychologists around Australia who treat anxiety disorders, group therapy & workshops, support groups, articles, resources and links to other sites.


Medicine. Net   


Sane Australia 





Beyond Blue 


Bipolar Disorder  What is Bipolar Disorder?


Black Dog Institute Self-Test is currently completed by around 20,000 people each month, and we are keen to find more about those who complete the test, as well as determine how beneficial the test may be.


Centre for Clinical Interventions PDF factsheet


Health Insite  has some great links


Help Guide Understanding Bioploar


Sane Australia  Bipolar Disorder





Internet Medical Health


Department of Health and Ageing




National Institute of Mental Health  (American) The mission of NIMH is to transform the understanding and treatment of mental illnesses through basic and clinical research, paving the way for prevention, recovery, and cure.


Reach Out 


Sane Australia 


Schizophrenia Research Institute is the only national medical research institute solely dedicated to discovering the ways to prevent and cure schizophrenia.




Better Health Channel   


Disability Information and Resource Centre 


Mental Health Carers NSW 





Better Health Channel 






Response Ability 


Suicide Prevention 


Suicide Prevention Australia 


Beyond Blue 





Esmerel Mental Health Resources


Sane Australia Helping people affected by mental illness through research, education and campaigning. Visit SANE's online Bookshop to see a wide range of easy-to-read Guides and other resources which explain mental illness, how it is treated, and what people affected, family and other carers can do to help themselves. FREE Facts Sheets and Podcasts


ElectroConvulsive Therapy 


Internet Mental Health This Canadian Site is an encyclopaedia of mental health information designed for professionals in the field, patients families, friends of patients and families


Mental Health First Aid is a site and course developed to help people (carers, family etc) provide initial support for someone with a mental health problem, the Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training course has been developed.


The Secret Life of the Brain


WACOSS Referral Directory (2006).xls this is the WACOSS directory in existence at this time. Please be aware that some information will be superseded.





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