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Page history last edited by West Coast Insitute of Training Library 12 years, 6 months ago


Australian Association of Bush Regenerators Newsletters 


Government Resources


ABC Science - a great site with a wide range of resources. These include topics on the Ancient World, Environment & Nature. You are also able to set up a RSS feed. 


Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities - this site is dedicated to protecting the environement and its heritage as well as trying to promote pursuing a sustainable way of life. Aeas/Topics include Biodiversity, the Coast and marine, Parks and reserves as well as the EPBC Act.


Australian Government Department of Climate Change - resources available on this site include information on Clean Energy future, the climate commission, the A-Z Government iniatives and LivingGreener.


National Trusts of Australia   


Department of Environment and Conservation WA Herbarium FloraBase


Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia


Environmental Protection Authority 


Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority 


Botanical Parks and Gardens Authority (Kings Park)


WA Department of Fisheries 


New South Wales Government: Department of Environment and Climate Change




West Australian Museum


Swan River Trust have a great External Links drop down menu at the top right of the screen


Miscellaneous Resources


Araluen Botanical Garden


Perth Urban Bushland Fungi 


River Guardians are now planning to offer free training sessions exclusive to River Guardians during 2011.


Greenpeace Australia Pacific


Green skills Inc working for a sustainable future


Green Skills Australia 


Successful Gardening with Annette McFarlane Weeds Attack a web based, multimedia resource with interactive learning acitivities aimed at preparing students to investigate a local weed of national significance.


Weeds Attack a web-based, multimedia resource with interactive learning activities aimed at preparing students to investigate a local weed of national significance.


SERCUL South East Regional Centre for Landcare




Amphibian Research Centre


Australian Flora and Fauna Links


Australian Flora A site that offers an historical view point to Australian flora with some great links at the bottom of the page


Birds Australia: Conservation Through Knowledge Amphibian Research Centre


Images of Australian Flora and Fauna 


Frogs Australia Network


Outback Flora and Fauna Australia's Golden Outback


WA Flora and Fauna Book List Reference Items List from State Library


Western Australia Flora and Fauna (tourist website)





Australian Association of Bush Regenerators WA Newsletters  


Backyard Buddies


Conserve Reserve Whiteman Park


Foundation for National Parks & Wildlife 


Native Animal Rescue 


Native Animal Network Assoc 


NATF Wildlife Rescue Service Volunteers in the Hunter Valley


Wetland Link 


Wildlife Preservation Society of Australia


WIRES Wildlife Information Rescue and Education Services 

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