Government Resources
3222.0 - Population Projections, Australia, 2006 to 2101 the document is available in PDF format
3201.0 Population by Age and Sex, Australia State and Territories, Jun 2002 to Jun 2007
WA Population by Age and Sex June 2001 (PDF)
Active Ageing Strategy 2004-2008 Report (PDF)
Aged Care INsite - is a source of news and analysis for the residential and community care sectors. A variety of articles are listed by subject (see the colour-coded menus at the top of the screen) and topics from the current issue can be found on the left side bar.
Aged and Community Services Australia - national body in Australia which lists over 1100 church and charitable organisations providing accommodation and care services to older Australians. Includes fact sheets and publications.
Aged and Community Services Western Australia - the largest body in Western Australia representing 120 not-for-profit organisations that operate residential care facilities or community services for the elderly or people with disabilities.
Aged Care Australia - provides the community with access to government and non-government information services.
Department for Communities Western Australia - Seniors - plays a lead role in encouraging a coordinated response to the implementation of the Government's policy priorities for seniors.
Department of Health and Ageing - aim to achieve a Vision of 'Better health and active ageing for all Australians' through strengthening evidence-based policy advising, improving program management, research, regulation and partnerships with other government agencies, consumers and stakeholders.
Health Insite - this is site is dedicated to providing easily accessible and quality information to improve the health of Australians.
NSI TAFE NSW - Aged care subject guide
WACOSS Directory (West Australian Council of Social Services) - WACOSS is a non for profit organisation and the primary body for the WA sector of social services. The site includes information on publications such as factsheets and reports as well as services that the council provides. Also have a look at the Sector development section.
Alzheimer's Australia - Alzheimer's Australia is the peak body providing support and advocacy for the 250, 000 Australian's living with dementia. It has useful publications and resources.
Australian Institute of Health and Welfare - the Australian Institue of Health and Welfare (AIHW) is the national agency for health and welfare statistics and information. Access is also provided to a number of data cubes and to METeOR AIHW's Metadata Online Registry.
The Dementia Centre - (A HammondCare Initiative) - an Australian site dedicated to improving the quality of life for people suffering with dementia.
Diversional therapy Association of New South Wales - is a client orientated practice that recognises that leisure and recreational experiences are the right of all individuals.
Mental Health First Aid - is a site created to facilitate a course on mental health which is designed to help workers and/or families with the skills to support and provide aid to people with mental problems or in a crisis situation. See also the Friends of the MHFA Newsletter archive and an extensive list of Mental health links.
United States National Library of Medicine - (inlcudes Medline) - Click on Health Information; this then takes you to a number of options and an alphabetical directory on various health topics e.g. Medline, DirLine (Directory of Health organisations) and Toxnet (Directory of toxicology databases).
Miscellaneous Resources
Aged Care Crisis - is a site that aims to raise awareness on issues that may affect clients who need aged care. Recommended areas for viewing are the Legal Issues column, advocavy, nursing homes and care issues.
Aged Care Guide - this site contains a lot of links to information within Western Australia. They include 'Residential aged care', 'community packages', 'products and services'.
The Aged care standards and accreditation agency - this site is an independent body responsible for managing the accreditation and ongoing supervision of Commonwealth funded aged care homes.
Council on the Ageing - is a non-government seniors' organisation in Western Australia who is known for its policy and program work and submisions to the Government have resulted in significant improvements in services for seniors.
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